William Eggleston: 21st Century

Jan 14, 2010 Posted by Adam
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I've been sleeping for almost a month to the day now. I'm pretty groggy, but I woke up this morning to the news of a new Sun Araw 7" and a new William Eggleston exhibit. I'm not sure if these two things really compliment each other in anyone else's mind. In my mind at least, Sun Araw's music has always sounded like shards of light peaking through the mirky depths of an ocean and Eggleston's photos are clearly a study in the contrasts of light in mundane, every day places where many people neglect to look. I present them together for your consideration...

The Sun Ark 7" is available here and Eggleston's "21st Century" exhibit is showing now in New York and London.

Sun Araw - Live Mind (from Sun Ark 7")

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